Destination Fresh Start: How to Declutter and Relocate Stress-Free

long distance movers

A move across the street or to a new city marks the beginning of a new chapter in one's life. With this change comes many feelings: excitement, anticipation, and sometimes, an overwhelming sense of chaos. Especially when it involves long distance movers, the process can feel daunting. But what if the relocation could signify a change in address and a refreshing transformation of your living space? 

In this guide, we delve deep into decluttering, ensuring that you do so with clarity, purpose, and minimal stress as you transition. Say goodbye to the clutter of the past and usher in a new era of simplified, serene living. Whether collaborating with long-distance movers or transitioning locally, this guide is your ticket to a stress-free relocation. Let's embark on this journey to a fresh start together.

Checklist for Keeping Track of Everything from Long Distance Movers

Most people are shocked by how much stuff they have accumulated. Decluttering before you move can reduce stress and costs. There's a guide on how to eliminate items. It includes decluttering, making a list, selling or donating items.

You can use these expert tips to help you adjust to your new home and transition smoothly.

1. Assess Your Belongings

Moving to a new house can be overwhelming, especially when deciding which items to keep. Couples who have children or pets should declutter before moving.

A. Decide what you need versus what you want

You can start by determining which items are essentials and which are wants or desires. Consider whether the item has a purpose if it is only decorative or occupies space without adding value. Do you need three sets? One set of dinnerware is enough.

B. Assess items based on usage frequency.

When evaluating your possessions, you must consider how frequently you use them. You will likely find items you last touched months or years ago.

  • Clothing: Did you wear it last year? Consider donating or selling your clothing if you have worn it in the past year.
  • Kitchen Appliances: Do you have kitchen appliances that you seldom use? Upgrade your gadgets.
  • Toys: Do you still allow your child to play with toys regularly? Toys that your child no longer uses can be donated to other children.

C. Check expiration dates & condition of items

When you go through products in your home, such as food, toiletries, and medicines, check the expiration dates. Items that have expired should be properly disposed of. You should throw out items that are beyond repair.

D. Take into consideration Your new space

Take a minute to consider your new living area before making any decisions. Is the space available enough to accommodate all of your belongings? Certain items may not fit in the new design. You can use this information to decide what items you want to bring.

You can decide which items to leave behind when you assess your belongings. It can reduce the time and stress of moving.

It is important to evaluate your belongings before moving. Then, you can decide what to donate and which items should be kept. List your tasks to make them easier to remember.

2. Create a Checklist

Create a detailed checklist before you begin decluttering. You'll stay focused and organized throughout the entire process. Sort them by importance. You will become more efficient and will notice everything.

A. The Room by Method

We recommend creating a checklist for each room to ensure you thoroughly declutter your house. List all the rooms in your home, such as living rooms, bathrooms, and kitchens. Also, include storage areas like garages and basements.

  • Living Room: old magazines/newspapers, outdated electronics (e.g., DVD players), worn-out furniture or rugs.
  • Duplicate cookware, bakeware, dinnerware sets, and glassware. It was expiring food items.
  • Bathrooms: damaged towels/rugs/accessories/fixtures; cleaning supplies/organizers/storage solutions/decorations/etcetera.
  • Bedrooms: outgrown clothing, accessories, jewelry, and toys.
  • Pet Supplies: damaged toys, treats, grooming tools, leashes/collars/carriers/kennels/etcetera.
  • Garage/Basement/Storage Spaces: Broken tools/equipment/sports gear/bicycles/lawn care items/paint cans/holiday decorations/craft supplies/etcetera;

Prioritize items and rooms according to how frequently they are used. You can then decide what rooms to tackle first and which items are the most important.

B. Prioritizing Your Checklist

Prioritize your items based on the size of the room, the amount and type of clutter in the space, and any upcoming events. Consider sentimental and emotional value. When deciding which items to keep, consider their sentimental or emotional value.

  • High priority: Items without sentimental or practical value or rooms or areas frequently used by family members or guests.
  • Priority Moderate: rooms that are moderately cluttered but are not used daily.
  • Low priority: Items with a strong emotional attachment need improved functionality.

Moving can be made easier and cheaper by making a list and organizing the items you want to get rid of. Moving costs less the less you need to move. Happy decluttering!

3. Donate or sell

It's a great way to start fresh in your new home. Selling or donating items you no longer use can help others and reduce moving costs.

A. Decide what can be donated

Donate gently used items, such as clothing, furniture, household items, toys, and other items in good condition. Donate items that are in good condition.

  • It may be necessary to throw away an item that is damaged, stained, or beyond repair.
  • Consider whether someone else may if you don't want to use an item.
  • Donations are accepted by local charities such as Goodwill and The Salvation Army.

B. Garage Sale

If you have any valuable items that do not fit into your new lifestyle or home, consider holding a garage or yard sale.

  1. Select a date at least two weeks in advance to allow yourself enough time to prepare. You can advertise your event using social media websites like Facebook Marketplace or Nextdoor.
  2. Sort them into groups to help buyers find what they are looking for.
  3. Prices should reflect each item's condition and value. Remember that the main goal is eliminating clutter and not making big profits.
  4. Organize your merchandise by setting up clothing racks or tables on the day of your sale.

C. Sell Items Online

  • Online sales of valuable items are a better alternative to yard and garage sales.
  • eBay – Unique collectibles and Antiques
  • Facebook Marketplace allows you to sell local products without having to ship them.
  • Poshmark is an online shop that sells pre-owned clothing and accessories.
  • OfferUp is an online marketplace that sells larger furniture and household items.

Donating or selling unwanted items before moving can help you save time and money on packing and provide additional benefits such as helping charities earn extra cash or making new friends in your community. These tips will help your new home be clutter-free.

Selling or donating items can reduce clutter and benefit those in need. It is important to remove any unwanted items when moving.

4. Remove unwanted items

It is a good idea to eliminate unwanted items when you move. Properly disposing of unwanted items can save money when moving and have more room in your new house for your new belongings. These tips can help you responsibly dispose of unwanted items.

A. Recycle responsibly

Recycling is better than throwing anything away. Recycling centers and curbside pick-up programs can easily recycle many items, such as glass bottles, paper products, and plastic bottles. For more information, you can consult your local recycling guidelines.

B. Hazardous Waste Disposal

Examples include paint cans, batteries, electronic waste (e-waste), and chemicals like pesticides and cleaning products. Examples include paint cans, electronic waste (e-waste), and chemicals such as pesticides or cleaners. Contact your local waste management facility for information on hazardous waste disposal.

  • Battery Recycling: Use resources such as the Call2Recycle locator to find nearby recycling facilities.
  • E-Waste: Use the Sustainable Electronics Recycling International Directory to find an e-waste event or company certified for electronics recycling in your area.
  • Paint Cans: Use the PaintCare Recycling Locator to discover how to recycle paint.

Contact your local waste management facility to learn more about hazardous waste disposal.

C. Bulky Item Pick-up

Contact your local waste company to schedule a pick-up if you have large items, like furniture or appliances, that your regular waste collection needs to be disposed of. Local governments offer this service for free or a minimal fee. Hire a junk removal company.

To make moving easier, get rid of excess items. These items can be donated to others in need. Decluttering early will enable you only to move the essentials. These moving tips can help you start if you're planning to downsize.

Once you have gotten rid of everything unwanted, your move is complete. If you have a plan and stay focused, packing is simple.

5. Pack what you need

Packing only what you require will save you time. You and your family will benefit from a more organized home. These steps will help you to pack efficiently.

A. Create an inventory list

List all items in each space before you start packing. List your items in each room and decide which can be thrown away or left behind.

B. Pack Essentials First

Label your boxes to find them when you easily unpack in your new house. Label your boxes after unloading them so you can easily locate everything.

C. Consider Your Space

Consider the layout and size of your new house when deciding which furniture and appliances you should bring. Consider selling or donating items you don't need in your new home or aren't useful.

D. Pack items that are used less frequently last

  • You only use the decorations once a year. It's okay to put them away right away.
  • Pack your sports gear last if you don't plan to use it.
  • Books and DVDs are entertaining and can be an excellent addition to any home. Donate them before moving to reduce clutter.

E. Get rid of unnecessary items.

Decide whether you want to sell, donate, or dispose of items that do not fit the above categories. When moving, less is more. Reduce clutter and organize your home to make it a more comfortable space for your family.

Save time by following these simple steps. Packing only the essentials will allow you to start over in your new home. This is a great time to prepare and organize for your new home if you are downsizing. Be sure to pack early and consider the costs of moving. Enjoy your move.


You must make a list of your belongings before moving. Making a list of what you want to keep, donate, sell, and toss out will save time and money.

Selling or donating surplus items can help you earn some money. It's a wonderful way to give to your community. Disposing items that can't be donated or sold is not a good idea. It is important to protect the environment and safety.

Contact Movers Mamaroneck Co if you require professional assistance with your move. We have experienced crews that can safely pack and move items locally or across the United States.


How can you dispose of your belongings when moving home?

You can save money by clearing out clutter and unwanted objects from your home. Follow these moving tips to get started:

  1. You can stay organized and focused during decluttering by listing your items and deciding which to donate, sell, or keep. You can remain organized and focused throughout the decluttering.
  2. Donate items that are in good condition to local charities. Earn extra money by reducing waste.
  3. You should dispose of a product responsibly if you can't donate or sell it. You can check with your local waste company to see if there are drop-off or pick-up points for large appliances and furniture.
  4. It is important to pack carefully. Only pack the things you need or love. Pack only the items you love or need. You will also save money by saving time and effort when you unpack.

What is the 20/20 Rule for Decluttering?

It is helpful to use the 20/20 rule to decide whether you should keep something. It's okay to eliminate an item you can replace for less than twenty minutes and less than $20. This reduces clutter and encourages people to keep their essentials at home.

How can you declutter your home and get rid of clutter?

Follow these simple steps to declutter your home.

  1. Sort your items into categories such as “keep,” “donate,” or “sell.”
  2. Set deadlines and focus on each room one by one.
  3. Storage solutions such as shelves or bins create a more organized area.
  4. Use the 20/20 rule to decide what you will keep.
  5. Keep your space neat and tidy to avoid clutter.

How can you organize your possessions before moving?

Before moving, follow these steps to organize your belongings:

  1. Make a list of your clothes, kitchenware, and electronics.
  2. Donate or sell unwanted items.
  3. Purchase packaging materials such as boxes, bubble wrap, and tape.
  4. Label and group items together to make unpacking easier.
  5. Draw up a floor plan to help you save time when moving.